- 事業詳細
- お知らせ
- 2022
【受講生募集】「国内外大学生・大学院生向け」春休み日本語STEP UP講座(にほんごSTEP UPこうざ)/Japanese STEP UP Program Spring Special Program for ALL University Students except Toyo Univ.
東洋大学生以外の大学生・大学院生(国内外問わず)向けに、2月~3月中に日本語を学べる日本語STEP UP講座を開講します。
Toyo University offers various Japanese learning programs during this Spring holiday for all Undergraduate and Graduate students.
Please join us and do not miss this great opportunity to learn!
You may apply for three courses at most.
*All classes will be delivered online.
*Participation from both domestic and international of Non-Toyo University students is highly welcomed.
*Please carefully have a check the details on the flyer.
番号/ No. | コース名/ Course title | 対象/ Target level |
日程/ Date |
1 | 研究に必要な日本語を習おう/Study Japanese necessary for the research | N2以上/ N2 or higher |
2/24(Thur)、25(Fri) |
2 | ビジネス日本語会話/Business Conversation in Japanese | N2以上/ N2 or higher |
2/22(Tue)、23日(Wed)、 24日(Thur) |
3 | スピーチを磨こう!(中上級)/Brush-up Your Speech!(Pre-advanced) | N2 | 2/28(Mon)、3/2(Wed)、4(Fri) |
4 | 会話上手になろう!/Be Good at Conversation! | N3以上/ N3 or higher |
3/8(Tue)、10(Thur)、15(Tue)、17(Thur) |
5 | スピーチに慣れよう!(中級)/Be Accustomed to Give Speeches (Intermediate) | N3 | 2/28(Mon)、3/2(Wed)、4(Fri) |
6 | JLPT N1対策(文字・語彙・文法)/N1 (Words・Vocabulary・Grammar) | N2 | 3/7(Mon)、8(Tue)、9(Wed) |
7 | JLPT N2対策(文字語彙)/N2 (Words and Vocabulary) | N3 | 2/21(Mon)、22(Tue) |
<開講期間/Course Period>
Monday 21st February to Thursday 17th March
*Depends on the course
Tuesday 18th January to Monday 7th February
*Accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. The application will be closed once we reach the total capacity.
<申込方法/How to Apply>
From this application form or the URL below;
*Please carefully read the course description on the flyer before your application to avoid selecting the wrong course.
*You can apply for three courses at most.
<問い合わせ先/For inquiries>
東洋大学日本語講座/ Toyo University Japanese Program
電話:03-3945-4263 Email:ml-lc@toyo.jp
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